Saturday, August 20, 2011

All You Can Build Action Figure Bar 9/4/11

Wait, what? Again, for real?! Yep. One more time for ODB.

Pop in from 2-6, pay your $8 and build away! As always, art supplies will be provided as well as an assortment of spare parts!

Adorn your home with one more piece of handmade fine you!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

ARBCO Presents! 8/19/11

Counter Cosby


Magic Missile

$5 cover

Prepare to be amazed.

8pm to midnight!

ARBCO Presents! 7/29/11

The release of Blue Snaggletooth's first full-length LP warrants a rockin' release party with Lord Centipede, Mare Crisium and, of course, Blue Snaggletooth playing live in the Ultralounge, The Vault of Midnight's basement vault of rock n' roll. It's ALL AGES and just $5! Use the mysterious back alley entrance for maximum something, something.

9pm to midnight!